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Monday, August 12, 2013

Me Posts #1

So I’m thinking occasionally I’m gonna do mini posts about well me.  Just giving you updates on me the life of Anna and interesting fact.  So here we go…

What am I doing right now:
 Hum, im sitting in my cubical at work typing a blog post(shh)
Thing I’m most excited about that has happened in the last week:
Well I moved into my new apartment on Saturday, so I’m still in the process of organizing and getting used to it, but the whole thing is exciting right now.
Thing I’m most excited for that’s coming up:
 Well I’m honestly not excited for school to start back at all. I’m dreading it!! But because it’s so close, this week all my friends that have been in various parts of the world all summer are coming back. I get to have dinner with one on Tuesday and I’m sure well have a big reunion Saturday evening sometime.
Thing that you wish you were doing right now?
 Napping, new apartment, new noises, new smells, excitement… I haven’t slept well in a while.
Style obsession of the moment:  Can I just put a link to this absolutely amazing girl I found while surfing through blogs? I just want to say  Elizabeth from http://www.delightfully-tacky.com/ is my current style obsession!! Everything is so perfect.
Favorite new purchase:  I snagged a soft cotton, denim looking skirt at target the other day. Its long enough to be worn high on the waist, even with my long legs and has the cutest details. Buttons down the length of the front and pockets. I can’t wait to see what this simple piece will inspire in me.
Favorite new discovery:  I’m super stoked about trying Garniers new Olia hair dye. Besides the fact that I got it for a steal because I think the barcode was entered in wrong (no complaints), it’s supposed to really nourish your hair. Believe me, my hair needs it.
Favorite post I’ve read recently: I actually just found out that I won the giveaway on one of mt daily read blogs; I won two beautiful original artwork work posters. Here’s the page so you can see them. I got conformation that they were mailed this morning so yay can’t wait! They’ll look so good in my new living room that’s slowly coming together.

Three random facts about me:
1.    I was born in Cartersville,Ga, though I say I have two hometowns. I spent the school year in Georgia and the summer in Alabama with my grandma and other family in the summer growing up. I love having two. Twice the fun
2.    I am left handed(- but at least Im in my right mind.) Funny thing is,  I do everything with my right hand but eat, write, and draw. Well I say that, I normally do. Over the years I’ve got good at doing most anything with either hand.
3.    I played oboe for 7 yrs. I was actually pretty good at it.

I hope you’re having a good week! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Good Friend and Musician

     Today I’m excited to inform you that a great friend of mine, Drake Kennedy has released his first EP. It’s called Hope. ! He is such a talented musician! And I’m so excited for him and what God is doing with his life right now!  The album is a religious, uplifting pop album. How often do you hear that? His sound is kinda Justin Timberlake meets Justin Bieber style, but with really safe and empowering lyrics. I’ve listened to it nonstop since I received it on Wednesday, and yall, its good!

      He’s only got a few copies right now that he’s selling for 5 dollars to people nearby, but it will be available on ITunes August 15th!! Mark your calendars!( ill also try to remind you that day)
Mom doesn’t know it yet, but this is what she’s getting tonight for her birthday (stay tuned for a post about her party). I don’t know if your mom is like mine but music that is even the slightest bit vulgar, really bothers her. So I just know she is going to LOVE this album! Anyway, this album is enjoyable and safe for anyone, anytime. Give it a try. I promise you’ll be signing right along in no time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How video games can see I Love You

So this is my first post about dare I say it? Love. I’m not gonna be all mushy but I am gonna basically talk about something I’ve learned that I think is worth sharing. 
I don’t call myself high maintenance at all. This could be in part to the fact they my sister is very much so and I’m comparing to her. But regardless I don’t ask for much. The biggest two things I ask for from Jarrod are honesty.. Which I’m not gonna go into why this is so important. But duh. And the other is that in some way, he shows me that he cares. I think that’s what all of us girl what anyway. My thing with Jarrod is that I don’t really care how he does it, but I need to know he cares.  He is such a unique person, and part of being with somebody is finding out more and more about who that person truly is. What they love, their weird quirks, their pet peeves, ect. The more I leran about Jarrod as time goes by, the more I have to love about him. From the fact that a simple pun can and really does brighten his day to how the sound of ice scratching together makes his skin crawl. So what I’m saying is that when you know these things you can start to see the ways he shows he cares, even when he’s not trying. For example, Jarrod is a huge video game nerd. He loves everything about them, they truly bring him joy. So when he asks to take me into GameStop and show me the new games he just bought, I’m flattered by it. Because what he’s really doing is letting me into his world. He wants to share with me something that he truly loves; that to me a great expression of his feelings for me.  So even if I don’t give a flying flip about video games(which isn’t true), I am a very attentive listener and am actively involved in him telling me about these games. (And turns out some of these games have really cool story lines, so I don’t mind much to sit and watch them for a few minutes when I’m over at his house.)
           He’s so happy when he’s getting to teach and tell me about these things, and seeing him happy, makes me happy, so everybody wins. He feels loved that I’m caring to listen: I feel loved that he’s  trusting me with something he’s so passionate about.

So see, being shown that someone cares doesn’t have to be in a gift or gesture.  Those are nice occasionally, but it can even be video games that can sometimes say 
“I love you”

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Other Life...

   So one of my favorite conversations starters with someone is “What would you do in your other life if you could have one?” I’m always curious to know what people’s dreams are. And when you phrase it like this you allow them to be as outlandish as they want because it’s what they would want if they weren’t doing what they are now.  So that being said I'm gonna answer that very question for all of you, my readers.

     In short, the answer is to be a model. No, I’m not just that vain. I love high fashion, I love absolutely love the lifestyle. Being model isn’t about being beautiful. it’s about being unique and owning it. Sure there are downsides to this dream. It’s said that many models are unhappy with their bodies and of course I couldn’t eat whatever I wanted, but this is my fairytale so I’m gonna focus on the good. Mostly I just think the idea of flying around the world, getting to work with and wear the most exclusive clothes and designers is amazing. That life just seems incredible to me. So yeah that’s what I would do in my other life.

            In this life, I actually do a little modeling. Not much at all. It’s all amateur and most the time I feel more like the photographer is doing me a favor instead of the other way around (even though they deny that). Still, I enjoy it, it’s a fun way to pass the time and as a benefit, I have learned how to look good in most pictures. Even the ones I didn’t know I was gonna be in. Haha


    I once even went and auditioned for a local branch of a national organization that trains and hones the skills of all types of talent. I mostly just went because my friend didn’t want to go alone and audition for singing and acting. Funny thing is I made the cut. I could have joined the program, but I didn’t. I didn’t have the money or time, but I did take it as a compliment to say that those people that supposedly can spot talent liked m. As for now, I’m gonna stay doing what I’m doing; being a model for my friends as they get into photography and need to practice or need to fill up a portfolio, (that’s where most of these pictures came from) and if I get asked to do something and it fits into my schedule, I might just do that too.

photographers include in no order:
Jarrod Pellissier- my Boyfriend
Corey Price - A friend 
Wes Sherwin - website soon to be live

Thursday, July 11, 2013

If I could only have 9...

I LOVE make up, always have, always will. It’s my favorite part of my getting ready process.  I really think a look is just completed by the makeup. So here I’ve compiled some products that are my absolute, I cannot do without products, and I’d like to share them with you. These are the products that I would choose if I could only have 9 products for the rest of my life. Lord forbid that tragedy ever happens.
i cant live without

1.   Mary Kay Waterproof mascara- I get this through my mom who works with a lady that sells Mary Kay. I have very oily eyes and this formula doesn’t budge all day. I’ve tried other mascaras that perhaps I liked more, but they were not affordable for this broke college girl’s budget.
2.   Maybelline Super Stay 24Hr concealer-in ivory. This stuff works; I’ve battled acne for years. This not only covers the blemishes, but does a wonderful job of camouflaging the scars too. Again much easier on my wallet than a lot of products
3.   Eyelash Curler- Duh!!!!! If I do nothing else in the morning I curl my lashes. My curler actually came from the dollar tree. Works better that any one I’ve ever had.
4.   Almay Intense i-Color Liner-Brown Topaz. I bought this as an impulse buy years ago. I’ve never found a liner that can make the blue in my eyes pop the way this one does.
5.   Sally Hensen Healing Lip Butter. I just found out this product is discontinued :( I go through chapstick like Taylor Swift goes through men, so I’ve tried tons of balms; this one was definitely my favorite of all time. It was made purely of fruit oils and had no waxy residue. Sad to see it go
6.   Physician’s Formula Mineral Wear Talc-Free Mineral Loose Powder- in translucent light. Like I said I have problem skin this stuff is amazingly gentle for the amount of coverage you can achieve.
7.   Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunblock- I wear SPF every day. Even in the winter. The higher the SPF the better. I put this stuff on in the mornings and my skin feels better than it did before.
8.   Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera 100% Gel – clear pure aloe can be used for so many things but I use it as a daily moisturizer. It even out the oily and dry spots and helps keep them that way all day long
9.   Mac Dazzleglass- in Moth to Flame. A lady at church once let me wear a bit of this when I was younger.  I was hooked. It’s so perfect for day or night and the smell is to die for. This is not cheap stuff I know. So I keep cheaper glosses for everyday use but I love having this in my bag on a big night out.
So yeah those are my got-to-have-it products. Making this list has given me a great idea for another post I’ll do soon on how to save on beauty products. For now, ta-ta

The name and Why you should care anyway

Yayy!!!! I finally made a blog! I've been considering it for a while now but just wasn't sure if it was what I wanted to do. So I thought I'd give it a go and see how I like it, so warning: this could be the only post on here ever! And this blog could be a T-total flop but imma try it.
     Couple things to cover first:
1.---- I am a terrible TERRIBLE typist. I don't spell well, and I'm very bad with grammar. I type like I talk, and I talk how I think. Meaning its eradic and fragmented and stream of conciseness, so I'm sorry if you ever get frustrated with that. I just do what I can to communicate and get my point across.

2.---- The name of this blog- well, I have an absolutely wonderful boyfriend. He is my favorite person in the world, but I'm not gonna bore you with all my mushy. So, you know those times when you need to make a decision, like now, but you don't know what to choose, he has come up with a brilliant method for fixing that. He keeps a quarter in his pocket AT ALL TIMES and flips a coin in those moments. He started calling it his Decision Making Quarter. I love the idea behind that. Leaving something up to chance. Living with a little risk, but all within the constraints of the two options you've applied the quarter's faces. Anyway, him always having that coin has come in handy so many times for us, deciding where for dinner or which perfume to wear on a date, and for some reason it just felt appropriate to call this new project of mine something that simple.

Thirdly- I guess I can talk a little bit more on why this blog exists and what to expect from it.  Basically I never really knew much of the blogging world until I was maybe a junior in high school. The sister of a friend of mine made a comment one day about a blog a friend of her's wrote that was had a series on "fashion on a budget," (I guess I was talking about a bargain I had gotten or something) regardless, I didn't think much of it until I got bored one day [how all good ideas come about, am I right?] and started reading some of her posts, which lead me to her business partner's blog and the both of them had links to their favorite blogs. Before I knew it I had quite nifty collection of beautiful blogs I kept up with. Being a creator since I was born, getting to explore all of these wonderful lifestyle, DIY, cooking, everything-you-can-think-of type of blogs would just recharge my inspiration and get my creative juices flowing. So that's what I've done for the past 4ish years. And I don't keep up with all of them even semi-regularly, but hey I'm not a blogger and I get busy, but when I would want some me time or some inspiration, I would log on and catch up with these wonderful women. So yeah I still do that even now and intend to do it forever. Ok, so what made me go ahead and decide to do this? No I don't have the time, I'm busier now than I've ever been, but I decided it's wanted to. I want to do this; at least I think I do, so why not give it a try. It'll only ever be a hobby for me, and It’s not like I'm ever gonna get any less busy so why not go ahead and try it out. That being said, I'm apologizing right now, I'm not gonna promise regular posts, it could be days between them, or it could be months, I'm going back to school again soon, and that basically consumes all of my waking hours but whatever!  I'm doing this because I want to, All I can hope is that maybe, if you're reading this, you might gain some sort of enjoyment from this small occasional peek into my life.